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Workspace Investor Relations
Created by Guest
Created on May 5, 2021

Expenses Outside of Commitment


  • Allow Capital Calls to have an additional Line Item named: Expenses Outside of Commitment

  • Ensure this rolls up into the Capital Account's Contributed Capital. (it is tracked also in Other Income/Loss)

  • Ensure the LP's % of Remaining Commitment Called Due/Paid does not include the Expenses Outside of Commitment

  • Show the Commitment Call Amount vs EOC vs Call Amount(total call amount in this context) in the Capital Call Statement.

  • When Creating the Capital Call, allow for EOC on the Wizard so Call Amount is actual Commitment Call Amount, and then Total Org Expenses, it applies the basic allocation by commitment %, then allows you to update on the Grid editor or CSV upload.

Total Expenses Outside of Commitments Called Due = Sum(commitments.Total Expenses Outside of Commitment Called Due)

Capital Commitment:
Total Expenses Outside of Commitment Called Due = if (capitalCall.Due_Date__c <= { newTotalCalledDue += capitalCall.Expenses Outside of Commitment; }

Capital Call:
Expenses Outside of Commitment (Add to Wizard)
Call Amount = (Enter Full Amount of Call % plus Expenses)
Amount Due = Call Amount + (Total_Over_Under_Paid__c <= capitalCallController.Call_Amount_Allocated ? capitalCallController.Call_Amount_Allocated - cc.Total_Over_Under_Paid__c : 0.0)
Commitment Called = [Call Amount - Expenses Outside of Commitment]

Capital Commitment Remaining Value = [(aduro__Capital_Commitment__r.aduro__Capital_Commitment__c )- (aduro__Capital_Commitment__r.aduro__Total_Called_Due__c - aduro__Capital_Commitment__r.Total Expenses Outside of Commitment Called Due) - aduro__Amount_Over_Under_Paid__c]
Capital Commitment Total Called (Paid) % = [ aduro__Capital_Commitment_Total_Called_Paid__c / (aduro__Capital_Commitment__r.aduro__Capital_Commitment__c +aduro__Capital_Commitment_Total_Expenses Outside of Commitment Called Due)

Capital Account:
No changes needed. EOC rolls up into Contributed capital and is combined with Other-Income/Loss.

  • Attach files