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Workspace Investor Relations
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 29, 2021

Cascading Calculations - When Changing Value in Cap Accounts Statements must resave all subsequent statements.

This was like my first week problem! LOL. The basic jist is ITD balances were not capturing the total committed. The fix was going into each and simply clicking edit at the capital account (at the investor level) and resaving. The issue was that this needed to be done at each capital account issuance in order to catch up to current

essentially, if you made a change after the statements were run, the ITD balances doesn't pick up the change because it is adding previous ending balance + current quarter activity, not adding each quarter activity individually. So if you make a historical change, it changes the quarter but the subsequent ending balances aren't revised (

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    Scott Kent
    Jul 29, 2021

    Maybe we can have as a temp work around a - Recalculate statements button or something.